I thought I knew Thetford, but about 35 days ago, Fox Hollow Antiques & Trading Post opened up in a transformed storefront next to the North Thetford Post Office on Route 5. Something new caught my eye as I drove past, so I stopped and wandered in to find plenty of once new items from long ago now re-homed for sale in a bright, airy space.
Primitive is the order of the day here, and really quite good pickings for those who appreciate antiques. The prices are fair, and the owners are friendly, informative, and willing to strike a deal. Mark Harper and Beth Low have been at this for a long time. Mark, since the 1960’s, has been “picking” and keeping his finds in storage until just recently when he retired and decided the time was right to showcase his treasures to the world. His finds from over a a half century are of very high quality, with plenty more in inventory. In the event you don’t see what you want, just ask. His pride in what he has on display is palpable. Even as a non-antiquer, I found this store to be exciting and fun.
I appreciated the uncluttered nature of the shop. An intentional effort, I was told, to ensure visitors didn’t feel overwhelmed by too many things. There were bowls and baskets, vases and vibrant paintings, wagon wheels and hobby horses, furniture and flatware, a stuffed bear standing tall as if making ready for a night out, and even a child’s spinning wheel for flax that caught my eye. I’ve shared photos below. Fox Hollow is, itself, a real find.
Find them at 5378 US Route 5 in North Thetford, VT. I didn’t catch the store hours, so call or email first: 802-785-5883, foxhollowantiquesvt@gmail.com. If you love antiques, this is a worthy place to visit.

Dave Celone is vice president of alumni relations and development at Vermont Law & Graduate School. He writes from his outpost in Sharon, VT.